
Study on beneficial elements in MCP products

The phosphorus in MCP products comes from phosphate rock, which is formed over millions or even billions of years through geological and biological processes in nature. This rock contains an abundance of chemical elements. During the production process of MCP, have these elements been retained and to what extent? Are these elements beneficial for animal growth?

From the current analysis, besides containing calcium and phosphorus which are necessary for animal growth, MCP products also contain essential elements such as magnesium, sulfur, iron, sodium, potassium, and zinc.

1. Magnesium content and biological functions

The magnesium content in Chanhen MCP products is approximately 1%. Magnesium has the following physiological functions in animals:

(1) Participating in bone and teeth formation;

(2) Acting as an activator of enzymes or directly participating in enzyme composition;

(3) Participating in DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis;

(4) Regulating muscle excitability to ensure normal muscle function.

2. Sulfur content and biological functions

The sulfur content in Chanhen MCP products is approximately 1.8%. Sulfur has the following physiological functions in animals:

(1) Participating in the synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids and taurine, such as methionine, cysteine, and homocysteine. Sulfur-containing amino acids are necessary for protein synthesis, and taurine is a component of bile with various functions.

(2) Participating in the synthesis of specific compounds. For example, chondroitin sulfate, which is essential for bone growth.

(3) Participating in the detoxification process in the body. Sulfur-containing compounds, especially sulfates, can form chelates with toxic substances (phenylsulfate) for detoxification.

3. Iron content and biological functions

The iron content in Chanhen MCP products is approximately 0.3%. Iron has the following physiological functions in animals:

(1) Acting as a component of carriers and enzymes

Iron participates in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin and plays an important role in carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. In addition, iron is directly involved in the composition of cytochrome oxidase, peroxidase, and xanthine oxidase.

(2) Participating in protein synthesis and energy metabolism

The iron content in animals directly affects the phosphorus content. When there is an iron deficiency, the synthesis of DNA in liver cells will be inhibited due to a lack of phosphorus, and the mitochondria and microsomes in the tissue cells will be abnormal. In addition, as a component of cytochrome, iron participates in the energy metabolism process of animal cells.

(3) Physiological defense and immune function

White blood cells or lactoferrin in milk can bind iron ions in the intestines to form complexes for the utilization of lactobacilli, while inhibiting the actions of Escherichia coli. This can effectively prevent diarrhea in newborn animals, especially piglets.

4. Sodium, potassium, zinc, and other contents

The sodium, potassium, and zinc contents in Chanhen MCP products are very low, with a sodium content of approximately 5000-7000ppm, potassium content of approximately 700-800ppm, and zinc content of approximately 100ppm.